You can download the program here. Remove the ".txt" from the ending of the file.
# Solution for Google Treasure Hunt Question below:
# (sum of lines in files)
# Place this file in the folder where you downloaded and
# unzipped the google zip file containing the files. Set
# the UNZIPPED_FOLDER_NAME and other params below and run
# it from the command line
# Author: Pramod Biligiri, pramodbiligiri at gmail,
from os import path
# Start of config vars
#Enter the name of the folder created when you unzip the download
#I suggest you rename the long random name to "google"
# For both files, enter the file extensions, the part of filename
# to look for, and the line number whose sum is to be added
EXT1, EXT2 = ".xml", ".rtf"
LINE1, LINE2 = 4, 5
# End of config vars
def addvalue(filename, result):
lines = [it.strip() for it in file(filename).readlines()]
if(filename.endswith(EXT1) and len(lines) >= LINE1):
result[0] += int(lines[LINE1-1])
if(filename.endswith(EXT2) and len(lines) >= LINE2):
result[1] += int(lines[LINE2-1])
def count(result, dirname, fnames):
for fname in fnames:
full = dirname + "\\" + fname
fullstr = "".join(full.split("\\"))[len(UNZIPPED_FOLDER_NAME):]
if not path.isdir(full):
if ((SEARCH_STRING1 in fullstr) and (fname.endswith(EXT1)) or ((SEARCH_STRING2 in fullstr) and (fname.endswith(EXT2)))):
addvalue(full, result)
def main():
result = [0,0]
path.walk(UNZIPPED_FOLDER_NAME, count, result)
print reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, result, 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
1 comment:
from os import walk
from os.path import join
from itertools import chain, islice, repeat
import sys
def getFiles(d):
....for base, dirs, files in walk(d):
........for fn in files:
............path = join(base,fn)
............yield path[len(d):], file(path)
Here's mine
def getExtn(fn):
....return fn.split(".")[-1]
def puzzle(opts, path):
....extns = dict((ext, (pat, lno)) for lno, pat, ext in opts)
....d = dict((e, 0) for e in extns)
....def match(fn):
........extn = getExtn(fn)
........if extn in extns:
............return extns[extn][0] in fn
............return False
....for extn, f in ((getExtn(fn), f) for fn, f in getFiles(path) if match(fn)):
........n = extns[extn][1]
........d[extn]+=int(islice(chain(f, repeat(0)),n-1,n).next())
....return reduce(lambda a,b:a*b, d.values())
opts = [(4,"yz1", "xml"),
........(1, "mno", "txt")]
print puzzle(opts, "GoogleTreasureHunt08_10742563743008951819")
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